The Bull Sheet

April 19, 2006

Wednesday, April 19, 2006        Edition: #3264
You Really Know Your Sheet!

TODAY UK auction house Cooper Owen offers up a wealth of music memorabilia, including John Lennon’s ‘My Anthology’ school exercise book featuring hand-drawn illustrations from when he was 12-years-old (expected to fetch circa $170,000); a Sex Pistols signed contract from 1978; Roger McGuinn’s Byrds-era 12-string guitar; and Elvis Presley’s St Christopher medal worn during the filming of “Jailhouse Rock” . . . Meantime, a suit worn by John Lennon in The Beatles movie “A Hard Day’s Night” is up for sale on a pop memorabilia Website for $100,000 . . . TONIGHT the Broadway revival of Richard Greenberg’s Pulitzer Prize-nominated play “Three Days of Rain” featuring Oscar-winning actress Julia Roberts officially opens, after already earning close to a million bucks in its first week of previews (Roberts’ 12-week run is close to being sold-out) . . . “Advertising Age” reports the price of a 30-second spot during this season’s “American Idol” season finalé will be jacked up to a whopping $1.3 million . . . A musical called “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”, created by Motown founder Berry Gordy Jr and featuring some 30 of the label’s hits, will have its world premiere in Los Angeles in JULY 2007 . . . Screenings of Colin Farrell’s “The New World” at a cinema in Japan will be enhanced with a fragrance machine, emitting 7 different scents in sync with various scenes . . . Negotiations are underway between show biz producers and the SAG & AFTRA unions to develop a payment formula for material used in ‘new media’; it will likely to involve a residual payment of 2 cents every time an artist’s performance is accessed by cellphone, computer or portable video device (if we’d told you about this a decade ago you’d be going – “What?!?!?”).

• Elvis Presley – His first home, which he bought after the success of 1956’s “Heartbreak Hotel”, is now up for bid on eBay. 1034 Audubon Drive, Memphis TN was recently added to the National Historic Register of Homes. Presley lived there for just over a year before moving to Graceland. Bidding ends MAY 14th.
• George Michael – His record company is urging him to check himself into rehab to overcome  addiction to cannabis. The 42-year-old has-been is facing questioning from police about illegal drugs for the 2nd time in less than 2 months.
• Matthew Sweet & Susanna Hoffs – TONIGHT they perform music from their new CD collection “Under the Covers, Vol 1″ on the “Tonight Show With Jay Leno”.
• Michael Jackson – He’s confirmed his new manager is the Brit boss of Gut Records, Guy Holmes, who’s also been named CEO of Jackson’s new label, Two Seas Records. Holmes previous claim-to-fame was launching the Crazy Frog novelty record which topped UK charts.
• Toby Keith – TODAY he guests on ABC-TV’s daytime talk show “The View”.

• Your taste buds are replaced every 10 days as old ones die and new ones take their place.
• Over 10% of lottery prizes go unclaimed.
• An elephant’s trunk has no bones and 40,000 muscles.
• In 1940, the average cost of a movie ticket was 24 cents.

• A Wilmette IL woman, whose car was hit from behind by a dump truck, told police after the accident that she was not wearing her seatbelt because – she didn’t want to ruin her newly painted fingernails by clicking the buckle. Now cops are visiting all nail salons and asking them to walk their clients to their vehicles and personally belt them in.
• Fashionistas in Hong Kong are cursing movie actress Renée Zellweger for blabbing about a local secret – a store called Jenny’s Bags sold designer handbag knock-offs for years at really reasonable prices. At least it did until it was recently forced to close by local authorities – thanks to Renée’s big mouth!
• Iowa police have arrested a mother & her boyfriend for filing a fake death notice in order to – get time off work. The couple submitted a notice to the local “Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier” saying her 17-year-old had died at the Mayo Clinic after a lengthy illness. Cops were notified after the teen was spotted at a restaurant by family friends.

The danger of deadly blood clots from Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) due to lack of activity on long-haul flights has long been known. But now we find from a new study that office workers can face the same risk – from being glued to their desks all day. (You also have increased risk of developing what’s known as – ‘PC Ass’.)
– ANI Science & Health

New terms leaking into the lingo …
• ‘Placentophagia’ – Eating the placenta after a baby is born, a tradition practised in many parts of the world but not common in the West. Increasingly weird Tom Cruise has announced he plans to eat ‘the cord and the placenta right there’ after Katie Holmes pops their poor kid.
• ‘Season Creep’ – Earlier spring weather and other gradual seasonal shifts, particularly those caused by global climate change.
• ‘Typerventilating’ – Rapidly sending Instant Messages. Sometimes they start out slowly and then, if you’re talking to someone hot, the exchanges begin to speed up quicker and quicker …

• Which make better investors … women or men? A Merrill Lynch survey finds that women consistently earn higher returns than men. It seems women make better investors because they’re less likely to ‘churn’ their investments; and men tended to commit too much money to single risky ideas. Overconfidence and over-trading are a recipe for poor investment returns.
• Who’s more likely to gain weight after a break-up … women or men? University of Newcastle research finds that women tend to gain weight after either moving in with a boyfriend or breaking up with him. Men, on the other hand, tend to lose weight during new relationships and maintain the same weight after a break-up.
• Who’s more likely to have multiple life partners … women or men? Women used to be satisfied with finding ‘Mr Right’. But a new University of Durham study has found that, thanks to online dating, many women are now searching for as many as 4 ‘perfect men’ to suit different stages of their lives.
• Who’s more likely to confide in friends … women or men? A recent Harris Interactive survey finds that fully 64% of women choose to talk to girlfriends rather than their spouses or mothers about personal issues such as relationships and sex. Guys also seek friendships, but they’re more likely to be poker pals and/or golf buddies.

A review of hundreds of jobs, quantifying their growth, pay, stress-level and other factors has contributed to this ranking of the best current careers …
10. Psychologist    
9. Pharmacist
8. Real Estate Appraiser
7. Computer IT Analyst
6. Market Research Analyst
5. Physician Assistant
4. Human Resources Manager
3. Financial Adviser
2. College/University Professor
1. Software Engineer
– “Money Magazine” /

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the research arm of the US Department of Defense, is looking at every way imaginable to keep track of potential enemies: sight, sound, e-mail and now – smell. DARPA’s ‘Unique Signature Detection Project’ (formerly the ‘Odortype Detection Program’) aims to sniff out genetic markers in human emanations (urine, sweat, etc). It’s hoped they can be used to identify specific high-risk individuals within groups. Experiments have already shown that chemical compounds in mouse urine produce an ‘odortype’ that’s unique to each individual rodent. The agency is hoping that a similar ‘exploitable chemosignal’ can be found in people. (Women already know all about this – avoid any guy surrounded by a cloud of Axe.)
– “Fortean Times”

Hoping to lift competitive videogame-playing to the level of a professional sport, Major League Gaming Inc has signed a deal with USA Cable Network to air video-game tournaments on SATURDAY mornings throughout NOVEMBER-DECEMBER of this year. The prerecorded telecasts will culminate with the “MLG Championship” in Las Vegas. (This will be a very different sport – instead of taking steroids, players will be popping bennies.)
– “Wall Street Journal”


1962 [44] Al Unser Jr, Albuquerque NM, race car driver (2-time “Indianapolis 500″ winner) who retired in 2004 but recently announced he’ll return to race at the 2006 “Indy 500″/son of racer Al Unser/nephew of racer Bobby Unser

1965 [41] (Marion) ‘Suge’ Knight, Compton CA, hip-hop impresario (founder & former CEO of Death Row Records) who recently filed for bankruptcy due to civil litigation against him in which the court ruled he must pay $110 million to investors

1968 [38] Ashley Judd, Granada Hills CA, movie actress (“Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood”, “Kiss the Girls”)/daughter of Naomi Judd/sister of Wynonna  COMING UP: Co-stars with Harry Connick Jr in the thriller “Bug”, opening this DECEMBER.

1979 [27] Kate Hudson, LA CA, movie actress (“The Skeleton Key”, “Almost Famous”)/actress Goldie Hawn’s daughter/Mrs Chris Robinson (Black Crowes) since 2000

1981 [25] Hayden Christensen, Vancouver BC, movie actor (“Star Wars: Episode II & III”)  UP NEXT: The Andy Warhol-Edie Sedgwick bio-film, “Factory Girl”, opening this SEPTEMBER.

1987 [19] Maria Sharapova, Nyagan, Russia, #3 ranked pro tennis player (4 finals in 2005, 2004 Wimbledon Women’s Singles Champion)/endorsement deals with Nike, NEC, Prince, etc

“Garlic Day”, saluting the ‘stinking rose’ that has been cultivated as long as history has been recorded. A few stinky facts …
• Over 5,000 years ago, Chinese herbalists used garlic to reduce blood pressure. As a medicinal herb, it’s also believed to provide protection against heart disease & cancer, colds & flu, high cholesterol, and plaque buildup in arteries. Garlic has also been used as a treatment for toothaches, acne and warts.
• In Medieval times, it was believed that garlic worn as a necklace would stop your soul from leaving your body.
• Spraying yourself with garlic oil will repel mosquitoes.
• It’s said that if you rub a clove on garlic on your partner’s feet at night, you’ll taste it on his or her breath the next morning.

1967 [39] ‘James Bond’ spoof film “Casino Royale” starring Peter Sellers & David Niven is released in theaters  FACTOID: “Casino Royale”is also the title of the next official ‘Bond’ film, scheduled to open this NOVEMBER.

2001 [05] Mel Brooks mega-hit  musical “The Producers” opens on Broadway

1951 [55] 1st ‘Miss World Contest’ (1st beauty pageant to feature contestants in bikinis)

1960 [46] Major League Baseball uniforms 1st display players’ names on back (the original one says ‘SAMPLE’)

2001 [05] Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield lifts off on Space Shuttle mission to deliver the ‘Space Station Remote Manipulator System’ (SSRMS), Canada’s 1st contribution to the International Space Station (he later becomes 1st Canadian to walk in space)

[Thurs] Astronomy Day
[Fri] Kindergarten Day
[Fri] Queen Elizabeth II’s 80th Birthday
[Sat] Earth Day
[Sat] NBA playoffs begin
[Sun] Orthodox Easter
[Mon] St George’s Day Holiday (NL)
[Mon-Apr 30] 12th TV-Turnoff Week
This Week Is … Organize Your Files Week
This Month Is … Pets Are Wonderful Month


• (phone rings) Hello? Oh, nothing, and you?
• Hey! My mom has that same bra!
• Are you trying to be funny?
• I hope you don’t expect a raise for this …
• What’s your name again?
• Hurry up, the game is about to start.
• Wanna see me take out my glass eye?
• Do I have to be here in the morning?
• Smile for the camera!
• ZzZzZz

Which of the following statements are true and which are just a load of hooey?
• Men are 6 times more likely to be struck by lightning than women. [TRUE]
• The artichoke is a vegetable. [BS. Technically, it’s a fruit.]
• Left untreated, a common cold can turn into pneumonia. [BS. They’re 2 different things.]
• The can was around for about 50 years before the can opener. [TRUE]
• Firstborn children are naturally smarter than their younger siblings. [BS. Recent studies show that birth order doesn’t have any effect on intelligence.]
• The first toilet to be flushed in a motion picture was in the movie “Psycho”. [TRUE]

Who’s the best daytime TV talk show host? And worst?

Almost a year ago we told you about Vancouver-born Montréaler/world traveler Kyle MacDonald who set up a Website to trade one red paper clip for whatever he could get. Well, by trading up for bigger and better items, he’s now turned the paper clip into a Phoenix AZ house for a year, rent-free. The chain of trades is stunning: a Coleman camping stove, an electrical generator, a keg of beer, a 1995 van, a recording contract, and a brand new snowmobile. It makes his ultimate goal – the deed to his own home – actually seem attainable.
PHONER: 514-833-3980

Today’s Question: 85% of office workers say THIS is inappropriate to wear to work.
Answer to Give Out Next Show: Flip-flops.

Junk is something you keep for years and then finally throw away … 3 days before you need it.


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