August 31, 2004

Tuesday, August 31, 2004        Edition: #2856
Can You Believe This Sheet?

TODAY the late Ray Charles’ RPM International Recording Studios in LA will be open to the public for the day to coincide with the release of his final recording, “Genius Loves Company”, a collection of duets featuring Willie Nelson, James Taylor, Norah Jones, Bonnie Raitt & Elton John . . . TODAY former ‘Miss Universe’ & ex-Mrs Marc Anthony,  Dayanara Torres, debuts on CBS-TV’s daytime drama “The Young & the Restless” (her own life has been more of a soap) . . . TODAY 4 of late reggae king Bob Marley’s earliest albums are being re-released on CD (‘cause Ziggy’s out of cash for a score) . . . Michael Jackson is said to be selling his Neverland Ranch because he fears it has been bugged by police . . . Actor Andy Serkis (‘Gollum‘ in “Lord of the Rings”) is in Rwanda living with gorillas to prepare for his next role in Peter Jackson’s upcoming remake of  “King Kong” . . . 23-year-old Paris Hilton is seeking to trademark her name and a personal logo that features a tiara monogrammed with a ‘P’, both to be used for retail branding on everything from footwear and kitchen utensils to shot glasses and essential oils . . . Actress Nicole Kidman has spent 3 weeks taking lessons on how to twitch her nose – special facial relaxation yoga classes to train for her role as nose-twitching witch ‘Samantha’ in the upcoming movie version of the classic TV series “Bewitched”.

• Sara Evans – TONIGHT she performs at the Republican National Convention in NYC. First lady Laura Bush and California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will also appear.
• Prince is heading back into Paisley Park studios in Minnesota to record a jazz album at the end of SEPTEMBER. Collaborators include jazz trumpeter Wallace Roney & bassist Matt Garrison.
• Britney Spears – There won’t be much bumping and grinding in her video for “My Prerogative” because her injured knee is reportedly still healing. Her big brother Bryan will do a cameo.
• Shania Twain – Her “Greatest Hits” album is due NOVEMBER 9th.
• Outkast – Andre 3000 says he sleeps in the buff to ‘let his body breathe’.
• JoJo – TODAY she joins current and former Olympic gymnasts on the 16-city “Rock & Roll Gymnastics Champions Tour”, kicking off in Unascaville CT.
• Avril Lavigne & Cyndi Lauper – They’ll duet on “Girls Just Want To Have Fun” at NYC’s “Fashion Rocks” event SEPTEMBER 8th.
• Toby Keith – Harrah’s Casino is building a Keith-themed bar, restaurant & entertainment venue on the Vegas strip. Set to open in 2005, the complex will feature his music and videos, and Toby is expected to occasionally make surprise appearances.

• “The Passion of the Christ” (Drama – DVD/VHS): Mel Gibson’s controversial R-rated account of the final hours of Jesus has racked up over $609 million worldwide since its release in FEBRUARY but 20th Century Fox apparently wants a lot more, sending promotional e-mails (aka ‘spam’) to more than 6 million ‘Christian households’ and over a quarter-million postcards to churches urging them to persuade members to buy the DVD. The film’s in Aramaic and Latin with English subtitles. (“Now I’m just guessing here, but there probably won’t be any ‘alternate endings’.” – Jay Leno)
• “Twisted” (Crime Thriller – DVD): Ashley Judd plays a newly-promoted police inspector on the trail of a serial killer who is shocked to discover that the victims are men she has recently slept with. Andy Garcia & Samuel L Jackson co-star.
• Also out on DVD – “The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride – Special Edition” and the stand-up comedy set “Chris Rock: Never Scared”.

A study out of Australia concludes that pornography is actually – good for you! A related poll of over 1,000 porn users finds that 90% believe watching porn made them more attentive to their partners, more accepting of their sexuality, and less judgmental of body shapes. The study concludes that these healthier attitudes toward sex actually make relationships and marriages stronger. (We wonder [co-host], would your ex- agree?)
– “The Australian”

There’s currently a movement in marketing to buy up old brands from the 1960s – such as the hair treatments ‘Vitalis’ and ‘Brylcreem’, and men’s fragrances ’Brut’ and ‘Old Spice’ – then relaunch them. Combe Inc, for instance, acquired the ‘Aqua Velva’ aftershave brand 18 months ago and is working its way through several marketing challenges: much of today’s younger generation is unconcerned with getting a ‘close shave’, and thus don’t even know what an aftershave is. (Another problem … the stuff’s stanky!)
– “Orlando Sentinel”

A University of Missouri-Columbia researcher has found that students are more likely to drink, smoke cigarettes and marijuana after getting – a driver’s license. Assistant psychology professor Denis McCarthy says his findings support the notion that new drivers have more opportunities for drug and alcohol usage. (Well obviously. You ever try to carry a keg on a bus?)
– “Journal of Studies on Alcohol”

A German company is planning to sell the ‘authentic jail experience’ to tourists looking for something different. For about $120, you’ll be able to spend a night in the notorious Hoheneck Castle, the largest women’s prison in former East Germany, where thousands of political dissidents suffered repression at the hands of the Communists. The tour company claims it’s simply offering ‘the chance to re-live the past first-hand instead of just reading about it in dry history books’. Former Hoheneck prisoners have begun a campaign to halt the project. (Act now! All-inclusive packages include all torture and taxes.)
– Reuters

Neuroscientists at Maastricht University in the Netherlands have created a computer game based on table tennis that can be played using nothing more than – the power of your brain. Each ‘Brain Pong’ player lies in a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine. Sophisticated data analysis software makes the system responsive enough for 2 players to compete in real time. After a short period of training, the players are able to make their ping-pong paddle move up and down the screen by concentrating on specific thoughts. (For a crushing overhand slam, for instance, you just think of your boss.)
– “Nature”

Over the past century, an estimated $5-billion worth of art has been stolen. According to “Art Loss Register”, which tracks stolen art worldwide, among the missing are 467 works by Pablo Picasso and 289 by Marc Chagall. Most often, high-profile works of art are never recovered.
– “Wall Street Journal”


1945 [59] Van Morrison, Belfast N IRE, classic rock singer (“Moondance”, “Brown Eyed Girl”)

1949 [55] Richard Gere, Philadelphia PA, movie actor (“Unfaithful”, “Pretty Woman”)/ex-Mr Cindy Crawford’s ex-/Dalai Lama pal

1972 [32] Chris Tucker, Atlanta GA, movie actor (“Rush Hour 1-2″, “Money Talks”)/stand-up comedian

1973 [31] Scott Niedermayer, Edmonton AB, NHL player (NJ Devils)/Team Canada (2004 World Cup of Hockey)

TODAY is “Trail Mix Day”, either celebrating the combination of nuts, seeds & dried fruits favored by hikers or … some vanilla-flavored AC radio station in Trail BC.

TODAY is “Love Litigating Lawyers Day”. Well, one thing for sure, we love lawyer jokes!
• Heard about the lawyers’ word processor? No matter what font you select, everything comes out in fine print.
• Hear about the terrorists that hijacked a plane full of lawyers? They called ground control with their list of demands, threatening that if they weren’t met, they’d release one lawyer every hour.
• How many lawyers does it take to change a light bulb? How many can you afford?

TODAY is “International Hate Day”, at least according to “Weekly World News, which claims an international panel of mental health experts is recommending we do whatever it takes to get out all the hostilities we keep buried inside. The tabloid quotes ‘Swiss psychiatrist’ Dr Julius Finneberg (amazingly not listed anywhere on the Web) as saying that creating a day for people to express all the rage that’s normally suppressed will dramatically slash stress levels.

THIS WEEK is “National Veterinary Week”, to promote the ‘professionals who pamper and protect our pets’.

1999 [05] Sarah McLauchlan’s 3rd and final “Lilith Fair” tour winds down with final concert in Edmonton

1881 [123] 1st ‘US Tennis Championship’ held (this year’s US Open is now underway at the USTA National Tennis Center in NYC NET:

1895 [109] 1st ‘pro’ football game (QB John Brallier paid $10 as Jeannette Athletic Club beats Latrobe YMCA 12-0 in Latrobe PA)

1954 [50] 1st storm with a name (‘Hurricane Carol’ hits New England)

1955 [49] 1st ‘sun-powered automobile’ is demonstrated (so why is it again that we’re still paying through the nose for gasoline?)

1971 [33] 1st ‘driver’ on the Moon (Astronaut David Scott finds no one to ‘flip the bird’ at)

1946 [58] 5,000 Boston Braves’ baseball fans sit in freshly-painted seats (certainly not a planned attempt at a record, but a record none-the-less)

[Sept 1] 5th Latin Grammy Awards (Los Angeles)
[Sept 2] Internet 35th Anniversary
[Sept 3] Skyscraper Day / “Paparazzi”, “The Cookout” & “Wicker Park” open in movie theaters
[Sept 4] Newspaper Carriers Day / National Cheese Pizza Day
[Sept 4-5] Watershed Festival (Elmira ON)
[Sept 5] Be Late For Something Day / Working Mother’s Day
[Sept 6] Labor Day / Iguana Awareness Day / Fight Procrastination Day–Do It! Day
[Sept 6-12] 100th Canadian Open Golf Championship (Oakville ON)
[Sept 8] International Literacy Day
[Sept 9] Teddy Bear Day / 2004 NFL Season Kickoff Concert (Foxboro MA)
[Sept 9-18] Toronto International Film Festival
[Sept 10] 1st Annual World Suicide Prevention Day / Hot Dog Day / Swap Ideas Day / “Cellular” and “Resident Evil: Apocalypse” open in movie theaters
[Sept 10-13] Canadian Country Music Week (Edmonton)
[Sept 11] 9/11 Remembrance Day / I Want to Start My Own Business Day / No News is Good News Day / Federal Lands Cleanup Day
[Sept 12] Video Game Day / Chocolate Milkshake Day / Grandparents Day / Pet Memorial Day
[Sept 13] Peanut Day / Positive Thinking Day / Canadian Country Music Awards (Edmonton) / Boss/Employee Exchange Day
[Sept 14] International Cross-Culture Day / Pregnant Women’s Day
[Sept 15] Hat Day / National Care Givers Day / World Music Awards (Las Vegas)
[Sept 16] Collect Rocks Day / National Working Parents Day / Women’s Friendship Day / Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown (Jewish) / “Survivor: Vanuatu, Islands of Fire” debuts
[Sept 17] “Mr 3000″, “Sky Captain & the World of Tomorrow” and “Wimbledon” open in movie theaters
[Sept 18] National Play-Doh Day / Farm Aid 2004 (Auburn WA)
[Sept 19] 56th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards / Talk Like a Pirate Day
[Sept 20] International Student Day
[Sept 21] Miniature Golf Day / World Gratitude Day / UN International Day of Peace / “Special Edition Star Wars Trilogy” released on DVD
[Sept 22] Hobbit Day / Dear Diary Day / Elephant Appreciation Day / Good Neighbor Day / National Centenarians Day / Autumn begins / Ice Cream Cone 100th Anniversary
[Sept 24] Native American Day / “First Daughter”, “The Final Cut”, and “The Last Shot” open in movie theaters
[Sept 25] One Hit Wonder Day / National Comic Book Day / Yom Kippur (Jewish) / Wall of Hope China 2004 Concert  / National Hunting & Fishing Day
[Sept 26] Food Service Employees Day
[Sept 27] Ancestor Appreciation Day / World Tourism Day
[Sept 28] Ask A Stupid Question Day / Family Health & Fitness Day
[Sept 29] National Goose Day / Pumpkin Day
[Sept 30] Mud Pack Day
[Oct 3] 2nd Western Canadian Music Awards (Calgary )


According to authors Sheri & Bob Stritof, there are specific verbal and nonverbal clues we all give when we tell a fib. Among them …
• Touching the chin or rubbing the brow.
• Crossing arms or legs.
• Playing with hair.
• Providing more information and specifics than necessary.
• Facial expressions that don’t match what is being said.
• Being hesitant.
• Slouching posture.
• Unusual voice fluctuations, word choice, sentence structure.
• Avoidance of eye contact.
– “Your Guide to Marriage”

2 phone contestants compete to list the most things from a category you stipulate. Start with one contestant, give out the category, then start the clock. Total the score, then give your other contestant a new category and see if they can beat the total. A few suggested categories …
• Annoying habits people have.
• Lies parents tell their kids.
• Things your Mom taught you.
• Things people steal from work.
• The first signs of divorce.

• Don’t offer me fruit. It only angers my need for chocolate.
• God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the money to not really give a crap either way.
• The lottery is just a tax on people who are bad at math.

Today’s Question: You’re more likely to stick with your exercise program if you include THIS.
Answer to Give Out Next Show: Your dog.

Being alive is a pretty good opportunity.

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