The Bull Sheet

July 7, 2005

Thursday, July 7, 2005        Edition: #3072
It’s Another Running Of The Bull!

TODAY Monaco’s playboy Prince Albert II is expected to finally acknowledge his 22-month-old illegitimate son via a Togolese flight attendant, Eric Alexandre Stèphane, thereby giving the lad a legitimate claim to the family’s estimated $3.5-billion fortune . . . Word has it model Kate Moss is planning to wed her junkie rocker boyfriend Pete Doherty on the Mediterranean party island of Ibiza THIS SUMMER . . . Reports say Michael Jackson has sold his hilltop Beverly Hills mansion for $18 million just weeks after he purportedly sold off Neverland Ranch, fueling further speculation that he intends to cease living in the USA . . . 41-year-old “Survivor: Palau” winner Tom Westman has apparently changed his mind about remaining a NYC firefighter, filing for retirement as of AUGUST 4th and hiring a show biz agent (his first acting role – a cameo on daytime soap “The Bold & the Beautiful”) . . . P Diddy’s Sean Jean clothing line is among a list of fashion houses being considered to redesign uniforms for McDonald’s restaurant employees . . . Martha Stewart tells the new issue of “Vanity Fair” that her prison nickname was ‘M Diddy’ . . . Stick-thin actress Nicole Kidman (5′-10″, 105 lbs) has reportedly finally admitted she’s too skinny and is looking to put on 15 lbs . . . “Us Weekly” says Ashley Olsen’s new bf is Hollywood hunk Jared Leto, a former fiancé of Cameron Diaz . . . Brad Pitt has reportedly bought his own UK pad in Penn, Buckinghamshire – not far from Angelina Jolie’s mansion in Fulmer . . . But the reason may be more than the still unconfirmed relationship – Pitt is taking a year off to make a documentary about celebrated architect Frank Gehry as he builds a $450-million project on the historic King Alfred site in Hove, southeast England . . . Meantime, “People” mag reports that Angelina Jolie is adopting a newborn Ethiopian girl who was orphaned by AIDS, to be named ‘Zahara Marley Jolie’ . . . And what a party pooper – actor Vince Vaughn has point-blank denied he is having an affair with Jennifer Aniston, his co-star in the now-shooting film, “The Break Up”.

• Backstreet Boys – Their much-hyped reunion tour is in trouble before it even begins as tickets aren’t selling and no concert has sold out. According to reports, promoters are resorting to scaling down the size of venues and are even giving away 1 free ticket with every 2 purchased.
• Eminem – TONIGHT the 3rd installment of his “Anger Management Tour” kicks off in Indianapolis IN. Ludacris, Lil Jon, D-12 & Obie Trice open the show.
• Garth Brooks – He’s still not planning to come out of retirement but he will perform another charity concert at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas JULY 15th to benefit the Teammates for Kids Foundation. Tickets are a whopping $500 a pop.
• Madonna – Her upcoming 10th studio album, due later THIS YEAR, will be called “Confessions on a Dance Floor”. She’s currently on a 12-day family vacation in Greece and Italy that’s costing a reputed $300,000.
• Mariah Carey – She’s so terrified of catching something from her fans, she scrubs her hands with wet wipes each time she’s forced to touch one.
• Sarah McLachlan – TODAY she’s a guest on the “Ellen DeGeneres Show”.

While shooting “Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction” in London, 48-year-old Sharon Stone is getting help from body doubles as the sequel is said to be even steamier than the 1992 original . . . Brad Pitt is being lined-up to star in a new bio-pic about Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh, a Ron Howard remake of the 1956 movie “Lust for Life”, which earned Kirk Douglas an Oscar nomination . . . Sibling tennis stars Venus & Serena Williams are competing for a role in “X-Men 3″ – as a bisexual hooker – but Serena may have the edge as she recently dated the film’s director, Brett Ratner . . . “Troy” actor Eric Bana will play the lead Israeli secret service agent in Steven Spielberg’s now-shooting (but untitled) movie about the terrorist attack at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games . . . Disney is set to shoot a live-action version of its classic animated movie “Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs” to be called “Snow & the Seven” and set in 1880s colonial China . . . And the new comedy “Extras” will star Ben Stiller, Samuel L Jackson, Patrick Stewart & Kate Winslet – as a nun battling Nazis.

TODAY 65-year-old Robert Guinther of Killeen TX takes a seat at the “World Series of Poker” tournament in Las Vegas – by accident. He entered what he thought was a $10 online poker tournament, but midway through he realized he had accidentally clicked on a WSOP satellite tournament with a $100 entry fee and it was too late to back out. He went on to win, defeating 180 other competitors and earning a spot in the no-limit championship.
– Reuters

• Animal experts in Croatia say a 500-lb bear has learned to trick people to let him into their homes – by knocking on the door. One family in Gerovo claims the bear has knocked on their door 3 separate times and they’re now refusing to answer. (Even when he tries the old “Pizza delivery!” ploy.)
• A frustrated husband in Bacau, Romania tried to escape his wife by – swinging from tree-to-tree. The 66-year-old had been locked in the upstairs bedroom by his wife, who was fed up with his drinking with pals. His Tarzan-style escape plan backfired when he slipped from a vine and fell 15 ft to the ground, breaking an arm, an ankle and a leg. (This wife should lighten up. After all, he’s a drinker … not a Cheetah.)
• Could this be the all-time weirdest concert rider? For their appearance at the 4-day “Exit Music Festival” in Serbia, Finnish rock band Apocalyptica is demanding a dozen postcards with stamps attached so they can write to their mommies, and also that all of this year’s ‘Miss Serbia’ contestants visit their dressing room. (Almost makes Mariah Carey seem normal.)
• An 83-year-old German woman has divorced her 81-year-old husband after 60 years of marriage because – he was caught having an affair. It seems the unfaithful hubby met his lover, who is 30 years younger, while doing voluntary work at an animal breeding center. (Apparently watching rabbits works as well as Viagra.)
• An Israeli baker who kept his cinnamon cake recipe secret for more than 75 years has finally revealed it – on his tombstone. Mourners at the funeral for 93-year-old Jaakov Topor were surprised to see precise details of his famous concoction chiseled into the grave monument. (Now there’s a recipe that’s etched in stone!)

Queens NY high school teacher Matthew Kaye has led a secret life on the side as a – pro wrestler. As greased-up WWE macho man ‘Matt Striker’ he’s famous for his finishing moves the ‘overdrive’ and the ‘lung blower’. He’s also used the ring-names ‘Hot Stuff’ and ‘Hydro’ and been part of a tag team called ‘Los Lunatics’, all unbeknownst to staff and students – until recently. He’s now accused of faking sick days in order to wrestle.
– “NY Daily News”

Male bisexuality does not exist and men claiming to be bisexual are in fact gay, according to a controversial new psychology study. When 101 young men – 33 bisexual, 30 straight and 38 homosexual – watched erotic films in experiments, those claiming to be bisexual were only aroused by images of either men or women … but not both. Report author Dr Michael Bailey of  Northwestern University claims this proves that a bisexual orientation does not exist in men.
– “Daily Mirror”

Scientists believe that if we ditched our steaks in favor of tofu burgers detrimental climate change could be reduced. A new theory, published in this month’s “Physics World”, claims that breeding livestock animals for consumption produces 21% of the carbon dioxide currently attributed to humans. Therefore, if we swapped our meat for meat substitutes, the production of damaging emissions would be slashed.
– Ananova

Apple has kicked off its countdown to a half-billion songs sold on the iTunes Music Store with an online song counter. Music fans worldwide can participate in the race to purchase and download the 500-millionth song. Whoever does will win a grand prize that includes 10 iPods of their choice, an iTunes gift card for 10,000 songs, and an all-expense paid trip for 4 to see Coldplay somewhere on their current world tour.
– “The Sun”

A healthy baby girl has been born in California 13 years after her 2 sisters – despite the fat all 3 were conceived at the same time. Laina Beasley spent 13 years as an embryo frozen at -235 C (-390 F), but that isn’t the only reason her birth was so unlikely: as well as surviving a fertility clinic scandal and a drive across the sweltering Californian desert while stored in a portable liquid nitrogen tank, the little girl should never have been born because her mother suffered a near-fatal reaction to the fertility drug Lupron.
– “LA Times”

Research shows that both men and women are becoming increasingly turned off by media images of well-groomed, feminine-looking men. A recent poll finds that fully 90% of women say they’d prefer a man who is ‘low-maintenance and easy-going’. “Maxim” magazine has dubbed the male fascination with traditionally female preoccupations ‘mantropy’, and says the symptoms include a fondness for pedicures and small dogs.
– “Telegraph” / “Maxim”

“There’s absolutely nothing I don’t like about the way I look. God blessed me with some great unique features, some beautiful in my eyes and some not so beautiful. I think my legs and my butt are my sexiest assets.”
– Ever-so-modest “Desperate Housewives” actress Eva Longoria expressing her self-love.


1922 [83] Pierre Cardin, Venice, Italy, fashion designer  FACTOID: He is said to be one of the biggest employers in the world, as about 200,000 people work for him in various enterprises.

1940 [65] Ringo Starr (Richard Starkey), Liverpool UK, rock drummer/bad singer (The Beatles 1962-70-“Act Naturally”)

1968 [37] Jorja Fox, NYC, TV actress (‘Sara Sidle’ on “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” since 2000)

1969 [36] Cree Summer, LA CA (raised Red Pheasant SK), movie actress who’s been voicing cartoons since the age of 13 (“Clifford’s Really Big Movie”, “Rugrats Go Wild!”)/daughter of Canadian actor Don Francks

1980 [25] Michelle Kwan, Torrance CA, figure skater (4-time World Champion, Olympic Silver Medalist)

TODAY is “Father-Daughter Take a Walk Together Day”. If she’s a teenager, good luck! You tryin’ to embarrass her or what?

FRIDAY & Saturday the 25th annual “Wayne Chicken Show” clucks in Wayne, Nebraska, home of the “National Cluck-off”. That’s where they search for the person who can best cluck like a chicken. Contestants must be audible across a barnyard, act and sound like a chicken, and keep it up for 15 seconds. The wacky festival also includes a ‘Most Beautiful Beak Contest’ and a competition for ‘Best Chicken Legs on a Human’.
PHONER: 402.375.2240 (Wayne Area Chamber of Commerce)

1989 [16] It’s announced that Compact Discs are outselling vinyl record albums for the first time

1891 [114] A patent is granted for the ‘Traveller’s Cheque’ (about to become obsolete due to the popularity of bank cards?)

[Fri] Video Games Day
[Fri-July 17] Calgary Stampede
[Fri] Intern Appreciation Day
[Sun] Barn Day
[Mon] UN World Population Day
[Mon] International Town Criers Day
[Tues] MLB All-Star Game (Detroit MI)
This Week Is . . . Canned Luncheon Meat Week
This Month Is . . . Parks & Recreation Month


Ask listeners to add to this list of creative vacations for those lacking time and/or money …
• Get in training to enter a road race or walkathon.
• Try staying up all night at a casino or singles resort.
• Don’t have much time off? Take a few aimless drives through the countryside.
• Organize a summer block party.
• Jumping through the sprinkler can awaken your inner child, as can catching fireflies in a jelly jar or weaving dandelion crowns.
• Rent a quiet cabin in the woods where you can commune with nature.
• Suffering from heat exhaustion? Head for the mountains!
• Visit some offbeat places of interest (ie: World’s Largest Pig, Tire Man, Vulcan Tourist & Trek Station, or Bruce the Moose), then show off the photos at your first annual ‘Christmas in July’ party.
(ie: The Corn Palace, Monkey Jungle, or Museum of Jurassic Technology).

• If you had to choose someone to sleep with your mate, whom would you pick?
• If the statement “You are what you eat” is true, just what are you?

Can’t keep up to the latest loony hijinks by Tom Cruise? Thank goodness someone’s doing it for us!

Today’s Question: Married couples are more likely to have THIS in common than perfect strangers.
Answer to Give Out Next Show: Eye color. (“Glamour Magazine”)

Some grow with responsibility, others just swell.

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