The Bull Sheet

June 26, 2003

Thursday, June 26, 2003        Edition: #2572
We’re Bullish on Radio!

TODAY the online gaming center “Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided” launches, where geeks pay $50 a pop to pretend they’re in “Star Wars” . . . TONIGHT is opening night for “Public Sex, Art & Democracy”, a new play by Vancouver’s Art of Loving theater group that features live sex (and likely several arrests) . . . TONIGHT Pamela Anderson makes her animation debut as the lead voice in the TNN series “Stripperella” as ‘Erotica Jones’, a superhero who dances in a strip club by day & fights crime by night (in her first-ever show of modesty, Pam demanded a no-nudity clause for her cartoon likeness) . . . Hard to imagine angst-ridden singer Alanis Morissette taking a stab at stand-up comedy, but she’s reportedly generated some big laughs while on-stage at the Improv Olympic in Hollywood . . . Currently on tour in the UK, Eminem has recreated Michael Jackson’s ‘baby dangling’ incident over his hotel balcony in Glasgow using – a plastic doll (his easy-to-please fans reportedly thought it was hilarious) . . . Oh, and that jewel-encrusted necklace Eminem gave to a random fan at a Brit concert THIS WEEK is said to worth about $1,000 – not $450,000 as Em’ claimed . . . Word has leaked that 25-year-old acting hunk Ashton Kutcher was arrested at age 18 for breaking into his school to steal exam papers . . . 28-year-old “Spider-Man” actor Tobey Maguire has revealed he’s a recovering alcoholic, regularly attending AA meetings . . . Toronto is using a Rolling Stones concert (JULY 30th) and now Hong Kong is turning to action star Jackie Chan in a series of tourism ads in an attempt to draw visitors back after the SARS outbreak . . . And because we really need to know, “Destiny’s Child” singer Kelly Rowland informs us that during a recent visit to NYC, her panties were swiped from her luggage (wow, what a “Dilemma”!).

According to star Eric Bana, a sequel is already planned for blockbuster “The Hulk” even though the first movie has just been released, and it might involve the green monster returning to his original grey to take on villains ‘The Leader’ and ‘The Abomination’ . . .  “Will & Grace” star Debra Messing will team up with former “Practice” star Dermot Mulroney in the upcoming romantic comedy “Something Borrowed” . . . Bring on the “Chicago” imitators – now a feature film version of the 1955 Broadway musical “Damn Yankees” is in development . . . In the upcoming thriller “Cellular”, Kim Basinger plays a kidnap victim who dials a random number on a cell phone and tries to persuade the young guy who answers to help her (the really scary part is when she sees the roaming charges on her bill!) . . . Chris Tucker is all signed up to do “Rush Hour 3″, but so far there’s no deal with his co-star Jackie Chan . . . And here’s sort of a new version of “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” – Ashton Kutcher & Bernie Mac will star in the comedy “The Dinner Party”, about a black father trying to cope with the idea of a young white dude marrying his daughter.

According to a new Penn State University study, women handle sleeplessness better than men. Psychiatrist Alexandros Vgontzas says the research shows there are definite differences between male and female sleeping patterns. He suggests they might have to do with women’s traditional role of providing child-care, causing them to learn how to cope with regular interruptions to their sleep at night. Men, on the other hand, tend to whine more about sleep loss. (And god forbid they miss sleep while suffering from a cold!)

“Men’s Health”magazine reports the average person gains less than 1 pound during the holiday season from Thanksgiving to New Year’s each year, but that weight almost never comes off again (so let’s see, after 40 years … whoa!). Researchers at the National Institutes of Health who tracked the weights of some 200 men and women say we can counteract this holiday weight gain and increase the odds of staying thin into old age by taking advantage of summer weather to get active and lose a couple of pounds. (Heck, you can sweat off that much mowing the lawn!)

Over 100 volunteers have used some 900,000 lbs of sand to build the world’s ‘largest sand castle’ in West Falmouth, Maine. It measures 29.25 ft-high which, if confirmed by the “Guinness Record” people, would beat the previous record of 28.96 ft set 3 years ago in Finland.

• There are now 9.3 million copies of “Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix” in print!
• 21% of singles surveyed by say they would rather have a root canal than go on a blind date!


1955 [48] Gedde Watanabe, Ogden UT, TV actor (male nurse Yosh Takata-“ER” 1997-present)

1956 [47] Chris Isaak, Stockton CA, TV actor (“The Chris Isaak Show”, shot in Vancouver for Showtime)/movie actor (“That Thing You Do!”, “The Silence of the Lambs”)/pop singer (“Wicked Game”)

1959 [44] Mark McKinney, Ottawa ON, TV comic (“Saturday Night Live” 1995-97, “Kids In The Hall” 1989-94)/movie actor (the one he’ll never live down is “Spice World”)

1969 [34] Colin Greenwood, Oxford ENG, alternative rock bassist (Radiohead-“There There”, “Amnesiac”)  FACTOID: THIS WEEKEND Radiohead headlines the UK’s big “Glastonbury Music Festival”.

1970 [33] Chris O’Donnell, Winnetka IL, movie actor (“Vertical Limit”, “Batman & Robin”) COMING UP: “Kinsey” with Liam Neeson, the story of sex researcher Alfred Kinsey, soon-to-shoot in Toronto.

1970 [33] Sean Hayes, Glen Ellyn IL, TV actor (Jack McFarland-“Will & Grace” 1998-present)/Emmy Award (2000)

1974 [29] Derek Jeter, Pequannock NJ, freaky-eyed MLB shortstop (NY Yankees)/1st player to be chosen World Series & All-Star Game MVP in same season (2000)
TODAY-July 6th the 24th “Montréal Jazz Festival” wails in old Montréal. TONIGHT Ray Charles & his big band are scheduled. Multiple Grammy-winner Norah Jones plays JULY 2nd. Other artists appearing include Mark Knopfler (ex-Dire Straits), and folk-rock singer Ben Harper. Last year’s festival drew 2 million music fans to the city, according to BBC News.

TODAY the new “Judy Garland Museum” officially opens in Grand Rapids MN. The 27-year-old museum moved to the new location so it could be attached to her childhood home. The opening coincides with the annual “Judy Garland Festival” which this year will be attended by 4 actual Munchkins from “The Wizard of Oz” (who must be about 110 years-old).
PHONER: 800-664-5839 (John Kelsch, Executive Director)

TODAY is “United Nations International Day Against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking“, established in 1987 as an expression of determination to achieve the goal of an international society free of drug abuse. So far, what they’ve done to achieve this goal is declare “UN Day Against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking“.

TODAY is “National Chocolate Pudding Day”. (Is it just me or does it feel really gooshy when you squeeze a fistful of it?)

1498 [505] 1st ‘toothbrush’ is invented in China (nylon bristles aren’t developed until 1938, original brushes used bristles taken from hogs, horses, even badgers)

1959 [44] ‘St Lawrence Seaway’ officially opened by QE II & US President Eisenhower

1974 [29] 1st supermarket ‘bar code scanner’ installed (Marsh’s Supermarket in Troy, Ohio where a pack of chewing gum becomes the 1st item scanned at a checkout)

1985 [18] 1st ‘organist ejected from a baseball game’ (Wilbur Snapp gets tossed for playing “Three Blind Mice” following a call by umpire Keith O’Connor in a Class A League game at Jack Russell Stadium in Clearwater FL)

2000 [03] Scientists complete the 1st rough map of the ‘human genetic code’

1981 [22] ‘Most coupons used in a single purchase’ as Virginia Campbell of Mountain Home, Idaho buys $24,460 worth of groceries in a supermarket and uses clipped coupons and rebates to cover all but 67 cents of the bill!

1994 [09] Killer heat wave sets record temps in Southwest US (104 F in Denver CO, 107 F in Albuquerque NM, 112 F in El Paso TX, 126 F in Death Valley CA)

[Fri] Decide to be Married Day
[Fri] “Charlie’s Angels 2: Full Throttle“ opens in theaters
[Sun] Camera Day
[Mon] National Blonde Day
[Mon] Gay Pride Day
[Tues] Canada Day
This Week Is . . . Deaf & Blindness Awareness Week
This Month Is . . . National Iced Tea Month


A guy’s pet can reveal his inner self. For instance …
• Big Dog – These men are likely to prefer being the breadwinner while the wife stays home with the kids. Even if the wife takes a job outside the home, big dog lovers will expect to have dinner ready & waiting on time each evening.
• Small Dog – You’re a lucky lady. Small dog-loving men make excellent husbands! These men crave togetherness, physical expression of love and complete openness with the women they marry. A small dog man’s eye will rarely stray to another woman and cheating is practically out of the question.
• Cat – Sensitive, mild-mannered homebodies. Impulsive, and likely to be a ‘neat freak’.
• Bird – Devoted to home & family. His word is as good as gold. Honest, trustworthy, a little off-beat in his tastes. One quirk: Bird-loving men are far more likely than most men to go bald and, sadly, tend to die relatively young … about 10 years sooner than the average man.
• Fish – Intellectually stimulating, socially quite boring. He thinks a lot, talks very little. He’s a nerd and likely to be involved in a stereotypical ‘nerdy’ job such as accounting, technology or engineering. Less likely than the average man to cheat, largely because few women will find him exciting enough to have a fling with.
• Exotic Pet – Snakes, lizards and the like are indicative of a man who will never bore the woman he marries. The excitement and unpredictability may be too much for some ladies. Extra-marital sex romps are to be expected as this man’s sense of adventure lures him into other bedrooms.
• No Pet – This man’s inability to commit to an animal should be a warning about his ability to commit to a woman. He wants his freedom, hates to be tied down, and doesn’t want anything to cramp his style. It is very difficult for these men to become emotionally involved with another person.

“BS” has brought you previews of several board games, including “Trivial Pursuit: 25th Anniversary Edition” and “Rockit to #1″. Here’s a new one called “iMAgiNiff”, a game that involves imagining what other players would be if they weren’t people, ie: “iMAgiNiff” [co-host] were a car. Would she be – a family sedan, pickup truck, Rolls Royce, red Ferrari, or a dune buggy? Great game to play on-air and there are freebies available for giveaways. Inventors Jack & Andrew Lawson will do a phoner all the way from Australia.
PHONER: 800-832-2331 (arrange through Jennifer Mengay, Media Relations, Buffalo Games)

Contestant must pick the correct definition for each term …
• ‘Coiffe’ [COYF]
a. The smallest denomination coin in France.
b. That little wire basket thinger that fits over the cork on a champagne bottle. [CORRECT]
c. A Medieval birth control device.

• ‘Papal [PAY-pull] Bull’
a. A seed bull used to breed more beef cattle.
b. An official edict or decree from a pope. [CORRECT]
c. A sudden but brief jump in the stock market.

• ‘Spelunking’ [SPEE-lun-king]
a. The exploration of body cavities for nits.
b. The exploration of underwater oil fields.
c. The exploration of caves as a hobby. [CORRECT]

• ‘Chistera’ [she-STARE-uh]
a. What they call the claw-shaped basket used in the game of jai alai. [CORRECT]
b. What an interfering mother-in-law is called in Mexico.
c. What she does when you get ketchup on your chin during a blind date.

• ‘Homiletics’ [hahm-a-LET-ticks]
a. The art of preaching sermons. [CORRECT]
b. The study of inner city slang.
c. Pigs that are raised in a natural environment.

• ‘Poutine’ [poo-TEEN]
a. British slang for the washroom.
b. A Turkish bath where full body massage is also offered.
c. A renowned French-Canadian delicacy made from gravy-drenched french fries and melted cheese curds. [CORRECT]

The following program has earned the Canadian Association of Broadcasters ‘Seal of Apology’.

Today’s Question: Most guys and half of women polled wish they could do THIS on-the-job.
Answer to Give Out Tomorrow: Wear shorts.

Summer vacation is the time when parents realize that teachers are grossly underpaid.

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