The Bull Sheet

March 21, 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012        Edition: #4710

Nothin’ Like a Bull in Your Radio Shop!

Actor Ashton Kutcher is reportedly paying $200,000 for a ride aboard Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo plane (aka ‘VSS Enterprise’) and could well be joined by Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Katy Perry, and Tom Hanks (all celebs pay for their tickets, with the exception of Stephen Hawking, because he’s so cool) . . . Oprah Winfrey’s 15-month old cable network, OWN, has laid off 30 staffers in NYC and LA due to persistently poor ratings since it launched (someone should have stuck with her uber-successful talk show) . . . Final numbers show the much-talked-about 2nd season finalé of “The Walking Dead” (AMC) on Sunday drew 9 million viewers, up 50% from the 1st-season finalé (producers can’t wait for season 3, rumored to be set in prison) . . . 43-year-old actress Jennifer Aniston tells “People” recent online reports that she’s spending $8,000-a-month to keep herself looking good are greatly exaggerated, and claims the true figure is closer to $200 (yeah right, that’s a tip for her hairstylist) . . . Latest buzz on a rumored ‘Brangelina’ wedding is that Angelina Jolie’s brother James Haven (an ordained minister) will officiate later this year in a chapel on the grounds of their French estate, and their 6 kids will be heavily involved in the ceremony – Zahara & Shiloh as bridesmaids, Maddox & Pax as groomsmen (of course this is all according to “National Enquirer” so it likely has nothing to do with reality) . . . In a new ad campaign for Helena Rubinstein, 49-year-old Demi Moore appears virtually unrecognizable, reports E! Online, with no lines or wrinkles on her face, a differently-shaped nose and chin, and much paler skin (also no turkey neck) . . . And this week in a London court 22-year-old “Harry Potter” actor Jamie Waylett has pleaded not guilty to charges of intent to destroy property with a gasoline bomb during the London riots last year (he played bully ‘Vincent Crabbe’ onscreen – maybe he wasn’t acting?).

• “American Idol” (FOX/CTV) – The 10 remaining finalists perform Billy Joel songs.
• “Conan” (TBS/CTV) – Birdy (“Birdy”).
• “Ellen DeGeneres Show” (syndicated/CTV2) – Casey James (“Casey James”).
• “Jimmy Kimmel Live” (ABC/CHCH) – Dr Teeth & The Electric Mayhem f/Travis Barker (“The Muppets”)
• “Last Call With Carson Daly” (NBC) – Roll the Tanks (“Suffer City”).
• “Late Show With David Letterman” (CBS/NTV/Omni1) – Oberhofer (“Time Capsules II”).
• “Titanic” (Global) – Premiere of a new 4-part mini-series that airs on consecutive Wednesdays. Told through the perspective of passengers ranging from steerage to 1st class. 2012 is the 100th anniversary of the legendary ship’s sinking.
• “Tonight Show With Jay Leno” (NBC/CTV2) – Tennis (“Young & Old”).

• Adele – “21” is now Britain’s  biggest-selling album of the 21st century and 7th-biggest seller of all-time, surpassing Pink Floyd’s landmark 1973 release “Dark Side Of the Moon”. UK sales of “21” now top 4.1 million copies.
• Alicia Keys – She & producer husband Swizz Beatz are selling their $17.9-million NYC property in SoHo after living there just 2 years. They bought the 6,000-plus square foot triplex from Lenny Kravitz in 2010 for $14.5 million.
• Beyoncé – Her first concerts since becoming a mom are lined up for Memorial Day weekend (May 25th-27th), when she’ll perform 3 consecutive nights at the new $2.4-billion Revel resort & casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
• Celine Dion – She’s been given the go-ahead by doctors to start recording her new album after recovering from a nasty viral infection.  After a series of shows were scrapped, she’ll also return to performing in Las Vegas. Her Caesars Palace residency resumes on June 9th.
• Katy Perry – Tonight her new video “Part Of Me” premieres during the TV special “MTV First: Katy Perry”. In addition, she talks about her upcoming album and concert movie in a 30-minute interview on
• Lady Antebellum – They’ll open for Bruce Springsteen on July 14th at a SRO concert in London, England as part of this year’s “Hard Rock Calling” festival in Hyde Park.
• Nicki Minaj – The 29-year-old rapper is believed to have signed a multimillion-dollar deal to front the ad campaign for Pepsi’s new beverage called ‘Pop’. Glu advertising agency confirms she’s already shot a TV ad for the new product in South America.


New terms leaking into our lingo …
• ‘Concierge Medicine’ – A new status symbol of the wealthy whereby they pay a fee (up to $30,000 a year) to have access to their physician anywhere, anytime. Some uber-rich families even have had emergency rooms built in their homes, which can cost $1 million.
• ‘Glass Cliff’ – A variation of the ‘glass ceiling’ which prevents women from rising above a certain level in a corporation, this is a senior job or important project given to a woman due to its high risk of failure. That way, if things go wrong, it’s a woman who gets tossed under the bus.
• ‘Vacationary’ – A person who performs short-term missionary work as part of a vacation. Traveling to Latin America to help build a school, for instance. (“Dear friends and family, I’m feeling the call to visit the beaches of the French Riviera in order to help locals fulfil their spiritual needs. If you’d like to help sponsor this project …”)


• Tacoma, Washington – Thanks to Facebook, 2 women have discovered they’re married … to the same man. Wife #1 became aware of wife #2 when Facebook suggested the connection under its ‘People You May Know’ feature. Upon visiting #2’s page, #1 discovered a pic of her husband and #2 with their wedding cake. Turns out the guy had moved out on his 1st wife, changed his name, then remarried without getting a divorce. He’s now charged with bigamy.
– AP
• Sudbury, Ontario – A 20-year-old man has been charged with impaired driving after he allegedly pulled into a drive-thru at a McDonald’s restaurant in the wee hours of the morning … without any pants. Greater Sudbury Police Service officers were called and arrested the pants-less perp. Seems the guy had imbibed a bit too much and then got the munchies. He’ll appear in court later this month. Mercifully, police did not release his name.
– QMI Agency


New research suggests that voters in elections are more likely to pick candidates with … a deeper voice. That’s the conclusion of researchers who made recordings of both male and female speakers and then altered the pitch of their voices. Listeners more frequently picked the ‘candidate’ with the lower voice as being preferable … even if it belonged to the same person. A separate study published last November using archive material of former US presidents also found a preference for lower voices. (If this were true, you’d think there would be a lot more broadcasters winning elections.)
– BBC News


• Cape Cod, Massachusetts – The Urology Associates of Cape Cod are running TV ads offering a free pizza during ‘March Madness’ with any … vasectomy. How the heck does this all connect? Men are required to rest for a few days after the procedure anyway, so the idea is to give them an excuse to watch the NCAA Basketball Tournament guilt-free while sitting on the couch and enjoying a pizza. A snip and a slice … what a deal!
• Ya’an, China – A Chinese businessman who’s growing the world’s most expensive tea says it’s worth every penny. That’s because the tea, which costs circa $200-a-cup, is fertilized with … panda poop. Entrepreneur An Yanshi claims that since pandas eat bamboo – which some claim helps prevent cancer – the steep-priced tea can fight disease.


• According to the National Survey of Families & Households, married men handle only 33% of housework, but live-in boyfriends do 40% of household chores. (They’re still auditioning for the job.)
• According to a “Ladies’ Home Journal” poll, the average person falls in love 6 times in their lifetime, starting with puppy love at about age 13. Women fall in love more often than men. (Unless beer’s involved.)
• A nationwide study finds that women cry on average of 3.55 times per month, while men average just 1.88 sob sessions. (After their team’s eliminated from the NCAA tournament.)


Blanca Jiméned Cobb, a senior instructor at the Body Language Institute in Washington DC, says if your man exhibits any of the following moves, it’s likely a good sign …
• Allowing you to walk in front of him is a sign of respect, as well as a clue that you might be in charge of the relationship.
• His hand resting on your knee while you’re sitting together symbolizes that he feels deeply connected and protective.
• Since they’re usually performed by good friends or teammates, sharing traditional masculine gestures like high fives and/or fist bumps show that a guy thinks of you as his true partner.
• Whenever a guy tries to get physically closer, such as tilting his chin so his face is closer to yours, it’s a sign he feels a deep emotional connection.
• By facing you and not looking where he’s going while you’re walking together, a guy is putting himself in a position of vulnerability. That’s something he’ll only do if he trusts who he’s with.
– Condensed from


Apple has announced that it has already sold 3 million+ units of the new iPad 3 since its launch on March 16th. By way of comparison, when Apple released the original iPad, it took 28 days to reach the milestone of 1 million units sold.


• Jeanne-Genevieve Garnerin of Paris was the 1st female parachutist, jumping from a hot air balloon in 1799.
• The very 1st Olympic race, held in 776 BC, was won by Corubus … a chef.
• Major League Baseball teams use a total of about 850,000 balls per season.


1958 [54] Gary Oldman, London UK, movie actor (“Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy”, “Harry Potter” films)

1962 [50] Matthew Broderick, NYC, Broadway actor (Tony Award-“The Producers”)/movie actor (“Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”)/married to actress Sarah Jessica Parker since 1997

1962 [50] Rosie O’Donnell, Commack NY, TV talk show host (“The Rosie Show” 2011-12, “The View” 2005-07, “Rosie O’Donnell Show” 1996-2002)/movie actress (“A League Of Their Own”)

1978 [34] Kevin Federline, Fresno CA, Mr Britney Spears (2004-07)/sometime TV actor (“One Tree Hill”, “CSI”)/failed hip-hop artist/former dancer

1980 [32] Deryck Whibley, Scarborough ON, rock guitarist/singer (Sum 41-“Pieces”, “Still Waiting”)/married to pop singer Avril Lavigne 2006-09

• “Canadian Music Week 2012”, through Sunday in Toronto. The 30th annual event includes the “Canadian Music & Broadcast Industry Awards” tomorrow night. Best of luck to all the “Bull Sheet” subscribers who are up for accolades!

• “Common Courtesy Day” … if you please. Thanks for your adherence!

• “Children’s Poetry Day”, an annual celebration instigated by UNESCO. A good day to have a kid read some rap lyrics with lush music in the background.

• “Fragrance Day” and “Flower Day”, always observed on the 1st full day of Spring.

• “International Day For the Elimination of Racial Discrimination”, an annual UN observance since 1966.

• “Teenagers Day”, a day to quit picking on them for their awkwardness and angst in striving to become adults and admit that, compared to ourselves at that age, they aren’t so bad after all.

• “World Down Syndrome Day”, the 6th annual to raise public awareness of the syndrome resulting from the triplication of the 21st chromosome. (The reason it’s on 3/21.)


1994 [18] “Schindler’s List” wins ‘Best Picture’ at the 66th Academy Awards; Holly Hunter is named ‘Best Actress’ (“The Piano”); Tom Hanks ‘Best Actor’ (“Philadelphia”)


1952 [60] Radio personality Alan Freed hosts the “Moondog Coronation Ball” at the Cleveland Arena, considered the 1st true ‘rock & roll concert’ (25,000 fans show up, more than twice the venue’s capacity)


2006 [06] founder Jack Dorsey sends the 1st tweet over his new social networking site, which reads “inviting co-workers” (exciting, huh?)


1977 [35] Mrs James Duck of Memphis, Tennessee becomes ‘World’s Fastest Mother’ as her triplets  are born naturally … in under 2 minutes

2000 [12] *NSYNC’s “No Strings Attached” sets an all-time benchmark for ‘Single-Day Album Sales’ at 1.1 million units


[Thurs] Letting Go of Stuff Day
[Thurs] International Goof-off Day
[Thurs] World Day for Water
[Fri] “The Hunger Games” opens in movie theaters
[Fri] Day of Unplugging
[Fri] World Meteorological Day
[Sun] “Mad Men” season debut (AMC)
This Week Is … World Folk Tales & Fables Week
This Month Is … Cheerleading Safety Month


• You can have ‘Casual Tuesdays’.
• No matter what, the boss can’t tell you what to do.
• You can have ‘Casual Wednesdays’.
• The drape of your pants won’t be spoiled by unsightly wads of cash.
• You can have ‘Casual Thursdays’.
• You’ll never get laid off.


☎ If a family member dies, should you be allowed access to their Facebook page? (Legislators in several areas are looking at making social site contents part of a person’s ‘digital estate’.)


If you’re healthy, where will your temperature average 92 F (33 C)?
a. Between your toes.
b. Up your nose. [CORRECT]
c. Between your lips when whistling.


A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother.


Question: The average boy owns 3 of THESE.
Answer: Sports jerseys.


Three can keep a secret … if two of them are dead.

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