The Bull Sheet

November 29, 2004

Monday, November 29, 2004        Edition: #2919
Get Your BS Here, Hot ‘N Fresh!

• “Alexander” star Colin Farrell says he stinks at personal relationships and has single-handedly destroyed every relationship he’s been in – by being in it too much. Farrell says he doesn’t know how to sustain a relationship and laments, “Every candle burns out and dies.” (In Colin’s case … at both ends.)
– “Sunday Times of London”
• While an ABC-TV crew trailed Paris Hilton for Barbara Walters’ “10 Most Fascinating People of 2004″ special, they ended up recording an unexpected rendezvous with Colin Farrell. “Colin is a lot hotter in person,” a crew member reveals. “And Paris was unbelievably sweet.” Word has it that after the cameras finished shooting … Colin & Paris continued to party alone. (Because he’s the last celeb left that she hasn’t slept with … and vice versa.)
– “New York Daily News”
• 46-year-old “Christmas With the Kranks” star Jamie Lee Curtis reveals she once underwent cosmetic surgery to halt the aging process and it was one of the worst decisions she ever made. In fact, she calls the experience ‘a nightmare’. She says she now tries to persuade peers not to go under the knife or have Botox injections, because it doesn’t work – you simply can’t change the course of aging and gravity. (As proven by her silicone breasts resting on the floor.)
– World Entertainment News Network
• 55-year-old actress Shelley Long, who played feisty ‘Diane Chambers’ in the 1980’s TV sitcom “Cheers”, has been rushed to hospital after taking a near-fatal overdose.  Friends believe she’s been suffering severe depression since her 22-year marriage ended in 2003, forcing her to sell her Hollywood mansion. She’s reportedly been treated for an overdose of painkillers and released. (The silver lining … at least there’s not likely be another lame “Brady Bunch” movie!)
– UK’s “Sun” tabloid
• Buzz is there’s a new pastime in LA. Young Angelenos are said to be bigtime into Viagra … as a recreational drug. These ‘Sunset Rats’, the rich kids of celebrities and entertainment industry honchos, who inhabit the exclusive clubs around Sunset Strip, call it ‘Veeing Up’ as in: “Let’s all go to the Spider Club with Paris and Lindsay and get Veed Up”. (Which begs the impertinent question, can tripods dance?)

• “15 People Die of Boredom Watching J-Lo’s DVD!”
• “Chimp Gives Birth to Human Baby!”
• “How to ‘Flip’ a Platonic Friend and Turn Her into a Sex Machine!”
• “US Spy Satellite Takes Photos of Hot Naked Women Worldwide!”
• “Supermarket Lobsters Escape Tank & Terrorize Shoppers!”
• “France Proclaims B-O a National Treasure!”
– “Weekly World News”

• Lenny Kravitz – TODAY he’s on TV’s syndicated “Ellen DeGeneres Show”.
• Linkin Park – They’ve joined forces with Jay-Z to record an album featuring ‘mash-ups’, musical collaborations where 2 different tunes are combined into a single track. They spent just 4 days in an LA studio to create and record 6 or the collages.
• Madonna – She says she’s eager to add a 3rd child to her family and plans to have ‘fun’ trying to get pregnant with husband Guy Ritchie. But is pregnancy a good idea at age 46?
• Paul McCartney – He & wife Heather Mills McCartney will appear on a special celebrity edition of the UK verison of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”. They’ll donate any winnnings to landmine charities.
• Tim McGraw – His benefit concert at Florida State University raised more than $1 million to be used to construct a new building and establish the ‘Tug McGraw Baseball Scholarship’, named in honor of Tim’s late father, baseball great Tug McGraw.
• Usher – Are he and Naomi Campbell really boyfriend and girlfriend? Some of his people have let it slip that the relationship is actually closer to ‘pop star’ and ‘stalker’.

A recent medical study proves that sex really is good for you. The study shows that men who get lots of sex live longer than men who only get a little or none. Specifically, the research proves that men who have sex twice or more a week have a 50% lower mortality rate than men who have sex about once a month. The study also suggests that regular vigorous sex can make you appear as much as 7 years younger! (That reminds me, I gotta see my lawyer to get my will drawn up today.)
– Discovery Channel

Here’s a paternity suit that not even DNA testing can solve. A 5-year-old boy in Montréal may never know his father’s identity because his mother claims – she had sex with identical twins at the time he was conceived! The unprecedented case is a real-life version of Zadie Smith’s 2000 novel, “White Teeth”, in which the lead character has sex with the twins on the same day and then becomes pregnant. Whereas siblings usually have enough genetic differences to be told apart, identical twins’ DNA is almost exactly the same. Justice Paul Jolin of the Québec Superior Court admits that even the most advanced genetic testing techniques are unlikely to prove which of the twin brothers fathered the child. (Hang on a sec here … I’m still back at picturing sex with identical twins.)
– “The Observer”

In a new study for the Odeon theater chain, researchers have charted just how much flesh actresses have been flashing at movie premieres over the decades. Back in the ‘70s, stars like Carrie Fisher & Goldie Hawn showed an average of just 7% of their bod’ when they walked the red carpet. A decade ago, the average bare-skin quota was 39%. Nowadays, female stars are revealing an average of 59% of their body’s total area. The researchers say that if the trend continues, stars will be showing off 75% of their skin by 2010. (Oh joy, we can’t wait until Kirstie Alley makes another movie.)
– Ananova

Melbourne, Australia biotech company Genetic Technologies has developed a new genetic test to identify – future sports stars. The test, which involves a mouth swab, is now available via the Internet but will be sold at gyms and fitness centers beginning early NEXT YEAR for about $90. The mouth swab detects variations in a gene identified by researchers as vital to sprinters and power athletes because it helps develop so-called ‘fast-twitch muscles’. Fears have been raised by childhood experts that the test could put too much pressure on kids to perform and alienate those not born with the ‘right’ genes. A Genetic Tech spokesperson says, “We think the market for it is going to be absolutely huge.” (Speaking of fast-twitch muscles, have you just been downstairs visiting the new receptionist again, [co-host]?)
– “Herald Sun”

NanoDynamics of New York says it has come up with a golf ball that can correct its own flight path so it flies straighter than conventional balls. Its ability derives from the unusual properties of designer molecules measuring less than 100 nanometers. The ball is the brainchild of a couple of physicists working at a Washington-run technical institute who were trying to improve their golf game. (Nice to know all those government grants get used wisely.)
– “Social Studies”

People who eat too much white bread have bigger guts, according to a new study from Tufts University in Boston. In fact, the study finds that white bread is a larger contributor to a bulging waistline than alcohol, sweets, meat, or potatoes. That’s apparently because plushy white bread goes straight to your gut and then hangs out as belly fat. The Tufts researchers found that a diet heavy in white bread translates into a half-inch increase to the waistline – per year! (Oh, is THAT why they call it Wonder Bread?)
– “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition”/AP

Dogs don’t see as well as you might think. In fact, doggy sight is far less acute than that of humans and if measured by our standards would translate to about 20/50 vision. That’s why ‘Doggles’, a manufacturer of protective eyewear for dogs, is now trying out a line of canine corrective lenses. Las Vegas veterinary ophthalmologist Dr Michael Brinkman worked with the company to produce the corrective eyewear for dogs which he’s currently testing on some of his patients. In particular, the lenses can correct the farsightedness that occurs in dogs that have had cataract surgery. That procedure can leave a pooch able to spot a cat across the street but unable to see a piece of kibble in its food dish. (For my dog it wouldn’t matter … he always closes his eyes when he’s humping your leg.)
– ABC News

Physicists have turned gamblers after British bookmaker Ladbrokes offered odds on 5 different science projects being successful by the year 2010. Ladbrokes had to slash the odds on the discovery of ‘gravity waves’ from 500-to-1 to 25-to-1 after a flurry of betting from scientists involved in the research. Other wagers include the discovery of life on Titan (a moon of Saturn) and the building of a ‘nuclear fusion’ power station. (In related news, odds are 3-1 scientists must be really underpaid.)
– “Focus” magazine.

“I think it was smart of him to take on a role of a journalist, and a journalist who hasn’t proved himself yet. It’s kind of a good role because he’s an actor that hasn’t proven himself yet.”
– Acting veteran Kevin Spacey on BBC’s Radio 1 singing the praises of Justin Timberlake, his co-star in the upcoming movie “Edison”.


1932 [72] Jacques Chirac, Paris FRA, President of France since 1995

1954 [50] Joel Coen, Minneapolis MN, movie director/screenwriter (Coen Bros-“O Brother, Where Art Thou?”, “Fargo”)/brother of film-making partner Ethan Coen/married to actress Frances McDormand since 1984

1955 [49] Howie Mandel, Toronto ON, stand-up comedian/sometime movie & TV actor

1964 [40] Don Cheadle, Kansas City MO, movie actor (“Ocean’s Eleven”, “Traffic”)  UP NEXT: Returns as ‘Basher Tarr’ in the sequel “Ocean’s Twelve”, opening DECEMBER 10th.

TODAY is “Electronic Greetings Day”. Just what we need … another reason to junk up other people’s e-mail, pager, voice-mail, etc with useless chaff you’d never think of writing down on a piece of paper and buying a stamp to send. Oops, did I say that out loud?

TODAY is officially “Square Dance Day”. So swing your partner ‘round and ‘round, pick ‘im on up and throw ‘im on the ground. Yee haw!

2001 [03] George Harrison of The Beatles dies of cancer in LA at age 58

1775 [229] 1st ‘invisible ink’ invented by Sir James Jay (but it was invisible … how can we be sure?)

1924 [80] 1st NHL game at the old Montréal Forum (Canadiens 7, Leafs 1)

1934 [70] 1st traditional ‘Thanksgiving Day NFL game’ in Detroit (and the tradition of losing begins as Chicago Bears beat Lions 19-16)

1936 [68] An Iowa father and son marry sisters, making the son his father’s brother-in-law; he also becomes brother-in-law and step-son to his father’s wife; his father’s wife becomes both her sister’s mother-in-law and sister-in-law; his own wife is his step-mother’s sister, sister-in-law, and daughter-in-law

[Tues] International Computer Security Day
[Tues] Stay Home Because You’re Well Day
[Tues] “Spider-Man 2″ released on DVD
[Wed] World Aids Day
[Wed] Tom Brokaw retires from “NBC Nightly News”

Cookie Cutter Week
Aplastic Anemia Awareness Week
Tolerance Week
Recipe Greetings For The Holidays Week
Christmas Tree Week


1. Jennifer Aniston (former “Friends” star who inspired ‘The Rachel’)
2. Farrah Fawcett (original “Charlie’s Angel” in the ‘70s who wore ‘flipped out sides’)
3. Princess Diana (she reportedly spent $7,200 a year to maintain her short ‘do)
(Marge Simpson’s shocking blue hairdo comes in at #14.)
– Newly-released Morphy-Richards poll of 2,000 women.

Was it a good idea to record a new version of “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” 20 years after the original collaboration raised millions for hunger relief in Ethiopia? The new version by ‘Band Aid 20′ (featuring U2’s Bono, Coldplay’s Chris Martin, The Darkness, Paul McCartney & Dido) has met with a lot of cynicism – some saying Africa needs more than just a Christmas jingle, others claiming the recording is more about exposing new recording acts than charity.

• Booze should come with a warning: Consumption of alcohol may make you think you are whispering when you are not!
• [Co-host] has discovered it’s really hard to make a comeback when you haven’t been anywhere.

Today’s Question: A quarter of married couples have done THIS at least once since getting married.
Answer to Give Out Next Show: One or both have lost their wedding rings. (Just ask Sharon Osbourne.)

A bartender is just a pharmacist with a limited inventory.

Welcome back to returning “BS” subscriber Nathan Knight @ CJEL [The Eagle] Winkler MB; and to Brad Dryden @ CKQB [The Bear] Ottawa ON who just re-upped for another year; we also salute our samplers this week that include Mary-Anne Wadsworth @ BOD-FM St Helens, Tasmania; Dale Turner @ KNBY Newport AR; and Bram Vanderlinden @ MIX-FM Tremelo, Belgium. Remember BSers, we bonus you ONE FREE MONTH of service for each and every new subscriber you refer.

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